Friday, May 22, 2009

Population Drop

As I play I often wonder about the gripes of those negative nancies on the forums. There are the ever present 'this game sucks' posts, but I disregard those. A certain percentage will inevitably think any game sucks, and what better place to be heard but on the forums? It's a numbers game and it's biased. What I'm referring to are those posts about how our population in Gorfang is too low.

Back on Sylvania we'd run nights where both Order and Destro had 10 warbands each, and it was a lot of fun. My problem with low population isn't that it's hard to find others during off-peak hours, but that when we play during peak hours, the ebb and flow of battle locks into hour long stalemates.

Last night we had just shy of two Destro warbands camping the Order warcamp in Caledor. The strech of this camping was a full two hours, during which time the recently captured keep counted down all the way to zero without Order taking anything. They had only a small amount less than us, but alas couldn't reach that critical mass that's required to multitask. If half a warband on caffeine were to show up, they could have hit the east Objective via Dragonwake and dashed our hopes of flipping the zone.

It's either that, or there wasn't anyone in their midst with the zeal to organize and retaliate effectively. The smaller the pool, the less likely there are leaders within it, no? Well, no offense to anyone... perhaps the Altdorf seige was a motive sink. Sitting at their warcamp for a while wasn't all that bad. I hit Dooger with ten Doombolts in a row casting double time with Focused Mind. It took him down to 3/4 health. Some quick math tells me he then has about 40k health. Ha, wouldn't that be nice.

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